Welcome to the Department of Economics, of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. You are now members of the oldest university in Greece. Our University has 32 departments, 80,000 active students and 2,500 faculty members. It occupies a prominent position in international academic rankings. Our Department offers a rich academic curriculum to help you advance your scientific and professional careers. This site provides course descriptions, explains the administration and organizational structure of our Department and the services available to its students. It will help you to decide which courses to choose, to find out how the department works and who your teachers are, how to make use of the departmental library and the labs, and to find out about available student support and welfare services. Use the Library, look for books and invest in the knowledge that you are provided with. Watch out for the notices of the Computer Lab which offers courses and seminars. We operate new computer labs at the renovated Building of Theoretical Sciences at Solonos Street. Classrooms are equipped with modern projection equipment and microphone facilities, while providing easy access for people with disabilities.
In Academic Year 2009-10 we have inaugurated a new academic curriculum that follows modern international standards. Please examine the Study Guide to see how we propose to choose your classes according to your own goals. We offer a great variety of courses which presents an important and unique advantage for your studies. The Department offers several graduate degree programs, professional and scientific, some in collaboration with other departments and universities. Its doctoral programme, UADPhilEcon, is taught in English and it can lead to an MPhil or a PhD degree in Economics.
Contact the Department Administration Office for your enrollment, certificates and issues concerning your student status. Use the electronic services of the administration office [My-studies.uoa.gr] to enroll for courses, find out about your grades, expedite the issue of certificates, etc. Consider to make use of available internships and European student exchange programmes. Make use of the department’s website [www.econ.uoa.gr] to be informed about notices, lecture timetables, exam schedules and the like. Make use of the e-class.
Our new website is harmonized with the site of the University with particular reference to student issues, which contains useful material and updates to this Guide. Please contact us if you have problems. Know that the welfare and support of students in our University extends beyond health care. We are here for you.
On behalf of everyone, teaching, administrative, technical and support staff, I am delighted to welcome you as students of the Department of Economics.
The Chairman
Professor Stelios Kotsios