In a continuously changing socioeconomic environment, the quest for concrete economic scientific knowledge is based, inter alia, on the methods of applied mathematics, statistics, econometrics and operations research. The opportunity to study and analyze problems related to economics and administrative science through the study of models portraying real events and situations, was made possible by the use of the above mentioned methods.. Indeed, the more complex the area of economy, technology and management become, and the faster this change occurs, the more necessary the use of quantitative analysis becomes, so that, through simplified models, to address complex and uncertain phenomena and to support decisions on practical level. Thus, the main objective of the Division, along with the development of quality research work of its members, is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills in quantitative methods, because the proper use will help in understanding and research of economic issues and allow them to respond successfully to the modern business requirements and challenges. Particular emphasis is given, not to confine education to the analysis of mathematical concepts or mechanistic use of some basic techniques, but to provide them with scientific knowledge and critical ability to implement the procedures and methods for proper selection and development of models and a reliable monitoring, analyzing, presenting and use of results, while practicing the exercises, case analyses, combined with the use of computers when needed.